Tutorials, making of, libraries, downloads and other free content that might be helpful when working on game dev.
This section includes tutorials for game development focused on game assets. Tricks and tips for making levels or working with art assets into game engine. Usually featuring Daelonik Artworks assets but not allways.
Need a boost for working on your own artworks? Starting in the game art field and looking for some material to improve your technique? Maybe that section will bring you some joy and interesting tips for your goals.
Here is the place to find specific information about the scripts that are included into many of Daelonik Artworks assets. Also related download are available inside. Come here if searching documentation for free scripts that comes along with the art assets.
Also Daelonik Artworks assets very often include some specific shaders that are custom made. Here is where to find downloads for the last updated version of the assets, and also the old legacy ones.
Here is a quick simple guide on how to import assets from Daelonik Artworks into Unity for different SRP pipelines like URP or HDRP. Example using Neon City with URP in Unity 2021.
The process is in fact quite simple but sometimes a bit of help with a step by step tutorial is very useful.