Just sketching around...

I have found some fantasy inspiration those days. That's why the next asset in the workshop will be a very special dungeon pack. This one will be designed as a medium sized but very detailed environment.
As inspiration I've taken ruins of ancient India, medieval interiors and also some details from "Valle de los Caidos" in Spain, ( Valley of the Fallen ).
Some workflow
Anyway those are only references. The final result I dont even know what will be. When I start making an asset pack I dont even know how much or wich assets will be in it. While I'm working, the
enviroments just tells me what to do next.
The pack will contain some big chambers and corridors including lots of construction assets.
There will be surprises, of corse. Allways.

Coming soon?
Probably it won't see the light of the asset store until October 2015, but I have a hunch about this one. It is gonna be awesome! Anyway it's wrong for me to say it but the truth is I enjoy
working on this assets. The trick to get cool assets is to enjoy creating them. With some finearts and cg skills, of corse, but that's another story.