Stronghold Update 1.6: Work in progress
I've came to the conclusion that most of the medieval environments are being used to make RPGs, Moba, or any other Top/Down games. With that in mind, I have to officially annouce that next package update is for Stronghold Pack.
This 1.6 update of the pack will include a new Top/Down system for free (wich means not much support in therms of scripting because it's an art asset). This new feature will allow you to show or hide the upper floors to show all the environment through a cenital view.
Prefab houses

There will also be a lot of new prefabs, and of corse, the long expected pre-built houses.
In this therm it's not sure how will it be included: Could be as part of a scene where you can choose the house you want to make a prefab, or it could be real prefabs in your asset folder. The second option could sound like the easiest but I'ts a little bit messy until Unity decides to create nested prefabs.
When a complete house is built as a unique prefab in your asset list, that means every prefab in your house will become unlinked to the original prefab while becoming part of the house prefab. That's kinda annoying if you want to update any prefab in your whole scene.
Anyway, I'm opened to your suggestions in this field. You can let me know how you prefer the pre-built houses to be included in the pack in the comments below.
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